First Aid and Health and Safety        |        Special Focus and Clinical Skills        |       Health and Social Care        |        Workplace Training                       First Aid and Health and Safety        |        Special Focus and Clinical Skills        |       Health and Social Care        |        Workplace Training

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with an understanding of dementia and help improve the quality of life for people living with dementia.
Learning Outcomes
To understand what dementia is To understand the key features of the theoretical models of dementia To know the most common types of dementia and their causes To understand factors relating to an individual’s experience of dementia.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
DEM 01, DEM 202 1.1, DEM 205 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2 DEM 207 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, DEM 305 1.1, DEM 308 1.1.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with an understanding of the current guidance around end-of-life care for adults.
Learning Outcomes
To understand what is meant by ‘palliative’ and ‘end of life’ Explain effective communication in end-of-life care Identify pain and symptom management Explain ethical and legal issues around end-of-life care Be able to explain symptoms of the last few hours and the effect on staff.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
National Occupational Standards SCDHSC0021, 0024, 0025, 0035, 0213, 0226, 0227, 0234,0350, 0385, 3111; Care Certificate Standards 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15; Aligned to DC2A, DC2C, DC2D, DC2F and CQC Regulations, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers the information and skills required to develop their knowledge understanding of disability and impairment, and the social model of disability.
Learning Outcomes
To understand what disability is and who disabled people are To understand discrimination and the law Explain different types of discrimination Understand the use of language regarding disability Understand how we can discriminate against disabled people Explain a different approach to disability To understand the medical model of disability Understand the social model of disability Know the language of disability
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
SHC 23, links to LD201, LD208K, LD307, PDOP2.1, SSOP2.1.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers the understanding of the functions and meaning of behaviours and how to support individuals in their setting.
Learning Outcomes
To be able to define behaviour that challenges and understand why individuals exhibit behaviour that challenges. Understanding the different stages of behaviour, how behaviour is assessed and identify behaviours that we find challenging and how to manage them Explain the role of medication in managing behaviour that challenges To understand the role communication plays in managing behaviour that challenges Consider the functions of behaviour and strategies to manage behaviour Understanding the importance of reducing restrictive interventions
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
SCDHSC0024, 0031, 0035, 3111, 0332
Care Certificate – Standard 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
MH14.2013 GEN97

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers the understanding of mental illness, the problems this can cause in daily life, and how they can support people.
Learning Outcomes
Define mental health To be able to understand the legislation associated with supporting people with mental illness To recognise the signs and symptoms of mental illness Understand and be able to discuss some of the treatments Identify support networks Understand how you can help
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
CMH 302.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with an overview of the Mental Capacity Act, to ensure they have the knowledge and skill to deal with situations relating to mental capacity.
Learning Outcomes
To list the functions of the Mental Capacity Act To be able to describe the groups that will be affected by it To explain the functional test Explain the Lasting Power of Attorney Describe the function of the Court of Protection Explain the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
L/504/8409. Links to NMTS 1.1.2, 1.4.1, 4.2.1, 5.2.1, 6.1.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with the knowledge required to provide their service user with personal care in a dignified and empowering way.
Learning Outcomes
Explain the role of the carer when toileting a service user Describe incontinence and its control Explain the need for the service user to carry out personal hygiene procedures Describe the process involved in intimate care
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 2015.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with information on the cause, prevention, and care of pressure sores.
Learning Outcomes
To list the causes of pressure sores To describe the process of skin assessment To list the classifications of skin ulcers To explain the treatment and prevention of pressure sores Person centred care
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate standards and CQC requirements.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with an awareness of dignity in care, and how it can be promoted and maintained.
Learning Outcomes
Understand the definition of dignity To be able to explain what the eight key components of dignity in care is To understand how the eight components come together to promote and maintain dignity in care To understand how to practically apply the eight key components of dignity of care
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Skills for Care guidance.

Course Aim
This course will ensure that care planning healthcare and adult social care workers places the best interests of individuals at the centre of care, whilst enabling them to make and communicate their own decisions.
Learning Outcomes
To explain the use, contents and responsibilities within a care plan To be able to describe the practical application of a care plan, giving examples To demonstrate their ability to communicate with the service user and other key people, both verbally and in the written form
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping

Course Aim
This course will help to provide delegates with the knowledge required to understand the issues involved in loss and bereavement.
Learning Outcomes
To be able to define loss, grief and bereavement and identify the different models To have personal reflections on loss To understand what can be done to help To be able to explain why it is important to consider self-care and avoiding compassion fatigue
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
National Occupational Standards SCDHSC0021, 0024, 0035, 0226, 0350, 0384, 0385, 3111; Care Certificate Standards 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10; Aligned to DC2A, DC2C, DC2D, DC2F and CQC Regulations 9, 10, 12, 13

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers have the knowledge and confidence to provide support for people with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
Learning Outcomes
Explain Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) To understand how ASD affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them To explain behaviours exhibited by some people with autism spectrum disorder To understand methods of supporting a person with ASD
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
SCDHSC0328, 0414, 0426, 3111, 3122
NICE Guidelines CG142
Aligned to DC2A, DC2C, DC2D, DC2E, DC2F
CQC Regs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
HSCA 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20

Course Aim
This course will help learners to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to promoting continence, including early identification and care of incontinence issues, and person centred care for people with continence problems.
Learning Outcomes
To understand the meaning of continence and incontinence To understand and explain different types of continence problems To explain reversible causes of urinary incontinence To describe the different treatments available To understand how to effectively manage continence problems To understand infection control issues in relation to incontinence Appreciate how to promote dignity when caring for someone who has continence problems
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.

Course Aim
To raise awareness of the signs and impact of strokes and how to respond effectively to someone experiencing a stroke
Learning Outcomes
To understand and clarify the signs and symptoms of a stroke To understand the effect of a stroke, both physically and on the nervous system To know what to do when you suspect someone has had a stroke To appreciate the aspects of an individual’s life that can be affected by a stroke
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
This course links to the National Stroke-Specific Education Framework (NSSEF) – E1: Awareness Raising

Course Aim
Level 2 Award in Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support (3 hours)

Course Aim
This course will ensure that delegates have an awareness of domestic abuse in different forms, are able to recognise possible victims and be aware of the help available for victims.
Learning Outcomes
To recognise different types of domestic abuse To understand the impact of domestic abuse on victims and children To be able to recognise the risk factors for domestic abuse To be able to recognise the signs of domestic abuse To know how to deal with a Domestic Abuse Disclosure To be able to describe the legislation and legal processes relating to domestic abuse
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
This course links to the National Stroke-Specific Education Framework (NSSEF) – E1: Awareness Raising

Course Aim
This course will ensure that delegates understand how to care for a person with an indwelling catheter.
Learning Outcomes
To understand what a catheter is Explain why we catheterise To understand the male and female anatomy To undertake daily catheter care To understand how to empty and change catheter bags To understand correct procedures for handling and positioning To understand the importance of person-centred care, privacy, and dignity in relation to catheter care To know how to complete the correct documentation
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate and CQC Fundamental Standards. Can be tailored to client requirements.

Course Aim
This course will provide learners with a basic knowledge of epilepsy and the management of seizures.
Learning Outcomes
List the causes and types of epilepsy Describe the general management of seizures Explain the use of support plans and risk management
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with a basic knowledge of epilepsy, the management of seizures and the use of emergency medication.
Learning Outcomes
To list the causes and types of epilepsy To be able to describe the general management of seizures To be able to describe the use of Diazepam To explain how you would deal with errors in administration To be able to describe the use of Midazolam To explain the use of support plans and risk assessment
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Epilepsy Council guidance.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers with a greater awareness about diabetes, its symptoms, treatments, and side effects for those working with people who have diabetes.
Learning Outcomes
To identify what diabetes is, how it occurs and the different types To recognise the symptoms of diabetes and signs of complications To understand the action, they should take in the event of hypo or hyperglycaemia To understand the treatments for diabetes
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
F/305/3602. Links to HSC 2004, HSC 2005, HSC 2017.

Course Aim
This course will help to provide healthcare and adult social care workers information on anaphylaxis and explain the administration of the medication for its control.
Learning Outcomes
Explain anaphylaxis and identify the body systems that it affects Explain the causes of anaphylaxis Describe how to recognise anaphylaxis, and identify the symptoms Explain the first aid treatment for anaphylaxis Explain the use of adrenaline and describe the method for its administration
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
NICE guidance.

Course Aim
This course will help to introduce healthcare and adult social care workers to the use of inhalers and nebulisers, when treating asthma and COPD.
Learning Outcomes
To explain the respiratory system To list the differences between asthma and COPD To describe the general treatment for breathing difficulty To explain the use of inhalers To demonstrate the use of a nebuliser
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
NICE guidance.

Course Aim
This course will ensure that learners working in the adult social care sector understand what a stoma is, why a person may have one and the potential side effects. The course will also outline the physical and emotional support which may be required by an individual who has a stoma.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the digestive system Identify and explain the different types of stoma and the reasons why they are fitted Understand and explain the dietary requirements for people with different types of stoma Recognise complications and abnormalities which may be experienced with a stoma
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.

Course Aim
This course will provide delegates the underpinning knowledge of the principles of PEG feeding
Learning Outcomes
Understand what tube feeding is To have a basic understanding of surgical insertion of feeding tubes in relation to job role Manage infection risks associated with established feeding tubes Review standard procedures in relation PEG feeding for nutrition purposes Review standard procedures in relation to the delivery of medication via feeding tubes
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate and CQC Fundamental Standards. Can be tailored to client requirements.

Course Aim
Level 2 Award in Dysphagia Awareness (3 hours)