First Aid and Health and Safety        |        Special Focus and Clinical Skills        |       Health and Social Care        |        Workplace Training                       First Aid and Health and Safety        |        Special Focus and Clinical Skills        |       Health and Social Care        |        Workplace Training

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand their role, expected ways of working and their responsibility to enhance their personal development.
Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to explain their role and responsibilities
  • Be able to explain the different relationships they may have in the workplace
  • Be able to describe how to work in ways agreed with their employer
  • Be able to explain why it is important to work in partnership and how it can be best done
  • Be able to explain what personal development is and how it will improve their work
  • To know how learning opportunities and reflective practice contribute to personal development
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
This course is mapped to Minimum Training Standards (MTS) 1 and 2.

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand their duty of care and how to fulfil it, with consideration for legislation, workplace policies and potential conflicts.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand ‘duty of care’ in a health and social care context
  • Recognise the groups for whom health and social care professionals have a duty of care
  • Outline the key obligations to those for whom you have a duty of care
  • Understand how legislation and workplace policies, protocols and guidelines help ensure
  • that you fulfil your duty of care
  • Describe possible conflicts between duty of care to a client and the demands of an employer
  • Identify sources of help in resolving dilemmas relating to duty of care
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
This course is mapped to SHC 24. links to NMTS Standard 5.

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers can identify abuse and respond appropriately to situations where abuse may occur to effectively safeguard adults at risk of harm.
Learning Outcomes
  • Recognise the types, signs and symptoms and indicators of abuse
  • Understand prevention of abuse management techniques
  • Understand how to respond appropriately to disclosures of abuse
  • Understand the legislation and guidance governing safeguarding adults
  • Understand both employers’ and employee’s roles and responsibilities towards adults at risk of harm
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
National Occupational Standards - SCDHSC0024 and SCDHSC0035
Care Certificate Standard 10: Safeguarding Adults

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers have an awareness of the concept of person-centred care and support and its implementation in care.
Learning Outcomes
  • An awareness of the importance of person-centred support and care
  • An awareness of how to work in a person-centred way
  • An awareness of why it is important individuals should participate in decision making
  • An awareness of how emotional and spiritual well-being can be promoted with personcentred support
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to move and assist people in care safely and with dignity.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the legislation that relates to moving and assisting
  • Understand the principles of risk assessment in relation to moving and assisting
  • Be able to move and assist people safely, including the use of equipment
  • Be able to move objects safely
  • Understand the importance of maintaining dignity for the person receiving care when undertaking any moving and assisting task
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
MTS 8 (part)

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers have an awareness and understanding of key health and safety issues.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand your role and responsibilities regarding health and safety
  • Understand the principles of fire safety and prevention
  • Awareness of the keyways of working to protect all from risk
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
MTS 8 (part)

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers understand how to prepare and handle food safely and hygienically and understand the importance of good nutrition and hydration.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling of food
  • Be aware of the importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and wellbeing
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of poor nutrition and hydration
  • Understand adequate nutrition and hydration
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate Standard 8 – Fluids and Nutrition

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers acquire the basic knowledge of medications, their effects and safety issues and how to assist with healthcare tasks.
Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to explain the agreed ways of working with medication
  • Be able to describe some types of medications, some forms of medication and some routes of administration
  • Be able to describe the difference between assisting and administration of medication
  • Be able to explain what a healthcare task is and why training is required
  • Be able to explain what to do and not do when assisting with healthcare tasks
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
MTS 8 (part)

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to explore and understand the principles of handling information and maintaining records.
Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to explain the agreed ways of working when handling information
  • Be able to explain the legislation regarding the safe handling of information
  • Be able to describe the secure systems for handling information
  • Be able to explain how to maintain records
  • Be able to explain when and how to report when agreed ways of working have not been followed
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping

Course Aim
This course will help to introduce healthcare and adult social care workers to the principles of infection prevention and control.
Learning Outcomes
  • Explain the routes of infection into the body
  • Describe correct and effective hand hygiene
  • Have an awareness of personal hygiene in relation to risks to others
  • Know the correct use of ‘Personal Protective Equipment
  • Understand how to manage soiled linen and clinical waste.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
MTS 10

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to communicate effectively to improve outcomes for individuals they support.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the importance of effective communication at work
  • Know how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals
  • Be able to promote effective communication
  • Understand the principles and practices relating to confidentiality.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand the principles of equality and diversity, how to promote inclusion and reduce discrimination.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand what is meant by diversity and discrimination and how it might occur at work
  • Have knowledge of equality and inclusion and know how practices that support both reduce discrimination
  • Be aware of any legislation and ways of working that relate to equality, diversity, discrimination, and rights
  • Ensure that your own work is inclusive, respecting the beliefs, culture, values, and preferences of individuals and how to challenge discrimination in a way that leads topositive change
  • Understand how to find a range of sources of information about equality, diversity and inclusion and who to ask for advice and support about equality and inclusion.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers with an awareness and understanding of basic first aid principles and techniques.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand how to respond to accidents and sudden illness
  • Be able to identify the types of accidents that may happen at your setting
  • Understand and recognise common medical conditions
  • Understand the limits of your role.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
MTS 8 (part)

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers with an awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities and how to promote positive wellbeing.
Learning Outcomes
  • Describe the needs and experiences of people with mental health conditions, dementia or learning disabilities
  • Explain the importance of promoting positive health and wellbeing for an individual who may have a mental health condition, dementia or learning disability
  • Identify the legal frameworks, policy and guidelines relating to mental health conditions, dementia and learning disabilities.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate Standard 9 – Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to communicate effectively and understand the communication needs of the individuals that they support to help to improve outcomes for individuals them.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the importance of effective communication at work
  • Know how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals
  • Be able to promote effective communication
  • Understand the principles and practices relating to confidentiality.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
SHC 21, Outcome 1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.3 & 4.4. Links to NMTS Standard 3.

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand the principles of equality and diversity, how to promote inclusion to reduce discrimination.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand what is meant by equality, diversity, and inclusion
  • Have some understanding of the law and how it protects people from discrimination
  • Understand prejudice and how it can impact on individual
  • Understand where discrimination can be found in care
  • Understand how to promote diversity and reduce discrimination in the workplace
  • Have knowledge of equality and inclusion and know how practices that support both reduce discrimination
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
SHC 23, Outcome 1, 2.1, 2.3, 3. Links to NMTS Standard 4.

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand their duty of care and how to fulfil it, with consideration for legislation, workplace policies and potential conflicts.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand ‘duty of care’ in a health and social care context
  • Recognise the groups for whom health and social care professionals have a duty of care
  • Outline the key obligations to those for whom you have a duty of care
  • Understand how legislation and workplace policies, protocols and guidelines help ensure that you fulfil your duty of care
  • Describe possible conflicts between duty of care to a client and the demands of an employer
  • Identify sources of help in resolving dilemmas relating to duty of care
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
This course is mapped to SHC 24. links to NMTS Standard 5.

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers can identify abuse and respond appropriately to situations where abuse may occur to effectively safeguard adults at risk of harm.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to recognise the types, signs and symptoms and indicators of abuse
  • Know the risk factors and indicators of abuse
  • Understand the legislation and guidance governing safeguarding adults
  • Understand prevention of abuse management techniques
  • Understand how to respond appropriately to disclosures of abuse
  • Understand both employers’ and employee’s roles and responsibilities towards adults at risk of harm
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Level 2 Diploma in Care (RQF) - DC2F Safeguarding
National Occupational Standards - SCDHSC0024, SCDHSC0035
Care Certificate Standard 10: Safeguarding Adults

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers aware of person-centred planning/thinking/care and their role in implementing person centred approaches.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the meaning and importance of ‘Person Centred Planning/Thinking/Care
  • Understand the importance of acknowledging individuality, promoting choice and independence
  • Be aware of the legislation, standards and guidance governing ‘Person Centred Care’ and its importance.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 26, Outcome 1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1. Links to NMTS Standard 7.

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to recognise the principles of moving and assisting people safely and the importance of risk assessment prior to any moving and assisting task.
Learning Outcomes
  • To be able to understand the legislation that relates to moving and assisting
  • Understand the principles of risk assessment in relation to moving and assisting
  • Understand basic anatomy and physiology of the spine
  • Assess moving and assisting operations, reducing the risk wherever it is reasonably practicable
  • Understand the principles of safer moving and assisting of people, including the use of equipment
  • Understand the importance of maintaining dignity for the person receiving assistance
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 2028, Outcome 1,2, 3.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6, MH203 Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.5, 4.7, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7. Links to NMTS Standard 8.3.

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers have an awareness and the necessary information on health, safety, and fire to help them stay safe while delivering care.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand your role and responsibilities regarding health and safety
  • List relevant health and safety legislation
  • Explain the stages of a risk assessment
  • Understand roles and responsibilities
  • Describe the importance of security at work
  • Describe your action in the event of a fire
  • Know how to deal with an accident
  • Understand the principles of fire safety and prevention
  • Awareness of the keyways of working to protect all from risk
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 027 Outcome 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 5.1, 7, 8.1. Links to NMTS Standard 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.7, 8.8.

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers understand the importance of food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling of food and the importance of nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and wellbeing.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling of food
  • Understand food safety hazards and good hygiene
  • Understand the importance of temperatures and storage
  • Explain good hydration and nutrition including digestion
  • Understand adequate nutrition and hydration
  • Understand what constitutes a balanced diet
  • Know the effects of poor nutrition
  • Explain how to promote good and sufficient nutrition and hydration and the importance of the environment in healthy eating
  • Be aware of the importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining dignity, health and wellbeing
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of poor nutrition and hydration
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
Care Certificate Standard 8, National Occupational Standards SCDHSC0213, 021 and
SFHSS26, 27, aligned to DC2D, CQC Regulations 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 – Regulations 5 and 9-19

Course Aim
This course will help to ensure that healthcare and adult social care workers acquire the required knowledge and information of medication to ensure the safe handling and administration of medications.
Learning Outcomes
  • Identify the legislation that affects the administration of medicines
  • Explain the classifications, types of medicines, routes of administration, side effects and adverse reactions of medication
  • Explain the importance of following protocols and policies when receiving, storing, administering, recording, and disposing of medicines
  • Identify the differences in protocols between Domiciliary care and Residential care.
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
ASM 34 Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 & HSC 3047 Outcome 1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to explore and understand the principles of handling information and maintaining records.
Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to explain the importance of documents
  • Be able to explain the agreed ways of working when handling information
  • Be able to explain how to maintain good records
  • Be able to explain the legislation regarding the safe handling of information
  • Be able to explain when and how to share information
  • Be able to describe secure record keeping systems
  • Be able to describe the secure systems for handling information
  • Be able to explain how to maintain records
  • Be able to explain confidentiality and the Data Protection Act
  • Be able to explain when and how to report when agreed ways of working have not been followed
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 028. Links to NMTS Standard 9.

Course Aim
This course will help to introduce healthcare and adult social care workers to the principles of infection prevention and control to minimise, prevent and control the spread of infection.
Learning Outcomes
  • Explain the causes of infection, and the methods of control
  • Explain the routes of infection into the body
  • Have an awareness of personal hygiene in relation to risks to others
  • Understand how to manage soiled linen and clinical waste
  • Identify the legislation and local and national policies associated with infection control
  • Explain safe practice, and the use of PPE and personal hygiene
  • Describe employer and employee responsibilities
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
IC01, links to IC02, IC03. Links to NMTS Standard 10.

Course Aim
This course will help healthcare and adult social care workers to understand their role, their relationship with others, how to work in ways that have been agreed with their employer and in partnership with others.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand their main duties and responsibilities
  • Understand their role and responsibilities
  • Understand the standards and codes of conduct and practice that relate to their role
  • Be able to explain why it is important to work in partnership and how it can be best done
  • Be able to explain what personal development is and how it will improve their work
  • To know how learning opportunities and reflective practice contribute to personal development
  • Know how and when to escalate any concerns (whistle blowing)
  • Understand why it is important to work in partnership with key people, advocates and others who are significant to the individual
Course Certification
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate valid for 3 years.
Course Mapping
HSC 025, links to SHC22 Outcome 1 / 2.1, 2.2 / 3.1, 3.2. Links to NMTS Standards 1&2.